Okay, so after a looooong hiatus, I am back, with a vengeance. It's been a long time, I know. After a super busy spring and summer, I am ready to start kicking some ass again.
So what has happened since my last post? I am still doing the 17 Day Diet. I am currently doing my 4th time around and my body seems to love it! It's an amazing feeling when you find something that works for you.
In other news, I finally hit my 60lb goal which feels AMAZING!!! When I first started on this #weightlossjourney, my original goal was 30lb and 60lb. Well, I succeeded in both. It was a loong journey. It took a total of 17 months.
My goal along this whole journey was to get healthy. It wasn't to be skinny. If I continued to go the way I was going, who knows where I would be.... probably diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and taking medication every day.
I had my monthly appointed with my nutritionist the other day and we got to talking where I want to go next. I want to lose another 20lbs, but I have my qualms about it. My entire life, I have never been skinny. I have always been a chunky thing. By being over-weight my whole life, I have had to compensate with a sense of humor and a good personality. In my honest opinion, I do not believe I was meant to be "skinny." It was never something that mattered to me and I don't know if I would look right being "skinny." All I know is that I want to be healthy. I want to live a long life with no health issues.
Another concern I had is the fact that I LOVE seeing the scale go down. A lot of people who lose weight tend to never want to stop. Luckily, I have a lot of great people surrounding me so I know they will tell me when I start to be ridiculous.
So that's what is new on my side of the Internet. I promise to be back with new updates and interesting blog posts! #PINKYPROMISE
Congrats on your success!